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Leibniz’ Contingency Argument

Leibniz's argument from contingency is one of the more popular cosmological arguments we Christians can use. It attempts to prove the existence of a necessary being and infer that this being is God.


Kalam Cosmological Argument

The most prominent form of the argument, as defended by William Lane Craig, states the Kalam cosmological argument as the following syllogism: Everything that begins to exist has a cause. The universe began to exist. Therefore, the universe has a cause.


Amazing Evidence For God Scientific Evidence For God

This is one of my favorite creation videos. It has so much great information and is easy to follow particularly for those who have little science background.


Thermodynamics Confirms Creation

Many Christians have wondered if the "2LoT" (the Second Law of Thermodynamics, sometimes summarized as "entropy will always increase") is the outcome of the Curse placed upon the world because of Adam's sin. This non-technical and accessible talk will discuss what the laws of thermodynamics are, what entropy is


The Kalam Cosmological Argument - Part 1: Scientific

Short video that presents and describes the Kalam Cosmological argument. Especially good for non scientists.


Answering the "Who Created God?" Question

Easy to follow video that presents the answer to who created God.

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