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Esta es una colección de videos caseros de R120.

Continuaremos produciendo otros videos que señalen a Dios como el creador o proporcionen razones por las que Dios y la ciencia van de la mano.


Vídeo Introductorio

Este video presenta los antecedentes de por qué creamos este sitio web. Habla del versículo bíblico Romanos 1:20.


Can a scientist or engineer
be a Christian ?

This video provides overwhelming reasoning why Christians can be scientists or engineers. In the past, I have been told that I cannot be an engineer if I believe in God. This video easily dismisses that assertion.


God and Science
Go Hand in Hand

We focus on two Bible verses that were written more than two thousand years ago that talk about scientific observations that were not discovered until recent history.


Human Thermoregulation System

This video describes the human body thermoregulation system. It shows how beautifuly God has engineered this Control System.


Provide Evidence 
That God Exists

This video presents three evidences that prove that God exists.

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